#Serial podcast summary episode 7 serial
Serial doesnt want people condemning Adnan just yet, when there are still so. According to the show, an overcdowded, underfunded school with a student body that is mostly very poor, mostly minority, and which struggles with a ton of staff turnover is really failing because wealthy, educated, idealistic white people occasionally try to turn things around and then give up. This felt like the podcast equivalent to a television bottle episode.

Laura said that there were absolutely no payphones outside of Best Buy. The first, for example, is Adnan and Jay’s friend Laura. Since Adnan didn’t kill Hae, it’s possible his friend Jay did. Since he had committed suicide, Sarah was unable to speak with him (Episode 12, Serial Podcast). This was thirteen days before Hae disappeared, which seems very strange. There are many instances within the episode which prove his innocence. He was released from prison on January 1st, 1999. Instead, the narrator insists over and over (indeed, puts it in the title) that the school's problems are primarily the fault of naive, foolish, overeducated, cloistered and often outright bigoted middle and upper class white people. Chris Kane: After listening to Episode 9 of Serial, I have come to the conclusion that Adnan is completely innocent of the murder of Hae. But that is not what the program claims to show. Courtesy of Serial America has been captivated by the new podcast 'Serial' a week-by-week breakdown of a murder case that was supposedly solved more than a decade ago. The podcast’s highly anticipated third season opens, as it always does, with Sarah Koenig’s narration, once again lyrical and surprising and wildly economical. The school goes through a dizzying array of names and educational strategies all, it appears, to little avail. Serial Podcast Episode 7 Summary 1 It’s such a pleasure to listen to Serial again. The podcast does a great job of showing that this is true. Serial is the podcast of the year, an absorbing, deep dive into a closed case, told in roughly 40-minute weekly. If her conclusion was, "any school that changes its raison d'etre, staff and leadership every few years will inevitably fail, no matter what its racial/religious/socioeconomic makeup," then I would totally agree. The 3 Most Interesting Things From ‘Serial’ Episode 10. It takes a single NYC public school that has, over many decades, been mismanaged in a stunning variety of ways. Unlike, say, "The Inprovement Association," however, this one offers fun but largely meaningless moments and attempts to draw big, meaningful conclusions. 1 Nice White Parents Podcast Summary: The first episode of Nice White Parents describes how, in 2015, a group of wealthy White families enrolled in a Brooklyn, NY school called SIS (the School for International Studies) which was previously populated by Black, Latino, and Middle Eastern kids, mostly from working class and. As with all of the other Serial or Serial-affiliated shows I have listened to, "Nice White Parents" is a very well-written, well-narrated story with loads of great anecdotes from real people.